 Population : 67 million

8.8 million people live below the poverty line (2016)

Region : Central Europe

Capital : Paris

Programs : Social emergency, food distribution, insertion


 SIF Headquarter : Massy, Ile-de-France 

SIF Office :  Saint-Denis, Ile-de-France

Humanitarian context

We are welcoming an increasing number of people in vulnerable situations: homeless and isolated men and women of all ages, with or without children.

Backed by committed volunteers, our teams are mobilizing to provide appropriate help through various devices. Hospitality or emergency housing structures (link to new page), social marches, groceries and solidarity baskets allow these vulnerable people to eat, to remain dignified and to find some comfort, both in summer and in summer. winter.

Our actions

Social emergency and insertion

The French Social Mission of Secours Islamique France intervenes in the field of social emergency and integration.

jeunes talibés à Bamako
Social emergency : The support is aimed at people in great precariousness, outside the social system after a difficult journey.
Integration : Our qualified social workers provide them with individualized social support with a view to their reintegration.